Past Participle
By F - 5:23 PM
Part Participle
All verb tenses are based on four basic verb forms. These basic forms are called the principal parts of verbs. The four principal parts of verbs are the basic verb, the present pariciple, the past, and the past participle.
Basic verb : Mr. Santoro cooks often.
Present : He is cooking today.
Past : Yesterday, he cooked a hamburger for me.
Past participle : He has cooked at the diner for years.
The past and the past participle of a regular verb is usually formed by adding -ed. The auxiliary verbs has and have show action that began in the past but continues on the present or is completed in the present. Had shows action that began in the past and was completed in the past.
The past participle on its own is a non-finite verb. We use it after a noun to describe what happened to the noun. This type of 'ed' clause functions like a relative clause.
The dissertation written by Soesanto Bodo appeared in national library.
The sport car purchased yesterday was highly expensive.
The word written and purchased, more suitable as an adjective rather than a verb because from the sentence one or sentence two, we can see that the verb appeared at the end of the sentence (appeared and was) without to be or have.
Multiple choice
1. Two of the ..... prisoners were caught by the police.
a. escape
b. was escaped
c. having escaped
d. was escaping
e. escaped
Jawab: E. Jawaban memerlukan past participle sebagai bagian adjektiva, jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah escaped. Karena kalimat tersebut sudah memiliki was dan diikuti oleh verb kedua dari catch yaitu caught.
2. .... near a beautiful beach, the town soon became a popular tourist resort.
a. situation
b. It is situated
c. Situated
d. Situating
e. Situates
Jawab: C. Dengan melihat beberapa alternatif jawaban yang tersedia, maka apabila kalimat soal diterjemahkan: terletak di dekat suatu pantai yang indah, kota itu segera menjadi kawasan turis yang populer. Jawaban ini memerlukan past participle untuk menggantikan sebuah subyek + verba pasif. jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah situated.
3. Impressed by the performance of the new student, ....
a. he became chairman of the year
b. the class needed him as chairman
c. a chairman of the class was appointed
d. the teacher appointed him chairman of the class
e. the class had a new energetic chairman
Jawab: D. Dengan melihat beberapa alternatif jawaban yang tersedia, maka apabila diterjemahkan: Terkesan dengan kinerja siswa baru, guru memilihnya sebagai ketua kelas. Jawaban memerlukan past participle. Jawaban yang tepat adalah guru memilihnya ketua kelas, the teacher appointed him chairman of the class.
4. The .... child ran to his mother when he heard the thunder.
a. frightened
b. frighten
c. frightens
d. frightening
e. being frightened
Jawab: A. Soal diatas memerlukan past participle sebagai bagian adjektiva. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah frightened.
5. The letters ........ mailed at Titipan Kilat office will arrive on tuesday.
a. them
b. just
c. have
d. were
Jawab: B. Dari soal diatas, the letters adalah subyek dan mailed merupakan bagian dari sebuah verba atau past participle yang memerlukan verba pembantu. Namun, jika dilihat lebih jauh verba dalam kalimat ini adalah will arrive. Maka dapat diketahui bahwa mailed merupakan participle adjective sehingga bukan merupakan bagian dari verba. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah just.
Error Analysis
1. The tired old man accepted the seat was offered by Mrs Evans.
Answer: kalimat ini correct, karena terdapat adjective dalam bentuk kata ke-3 (accepted) dan diikuti dengan verbanya yaitu was offered. the tired old man merupakan subyek, accepted adalah past participle berbentuk adjective, the seat merupakan objek, dan was offered merupakan verba.
2. The ports were reached by the sailors were under the control of a foreign nation.
Answer: Kalimat ini incorrect, karena terdapat double verba. Seharusnya kalimat yang benar adalah the ports reached by the sailors were under the control of a foreign nation. Were yang terdapat pada kata reached dihilangkan sehingga reached disini berperan sebagai participle adjective dan were pada under the control akan tetap menjadi verba.
3. The buses provided sport fans with transport were very comfortable.
Answer: Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat correct. The buses disini merupakan subyek, provided merupakan past participle dalam bentuk adjective, sport fans merupakan objek, dan were very comfortable adalah verb.
4. The courses are listed on the second page of the brochure have several prerequisites.
Answer: Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat incorrect. Seharusnya kalimat ini diubah menjadi the courses listed on the second page of the brochure had several prerequisites. Are disini dihilangkan karena merupakan to be bentuk pertama, sehinga listed akan berubah fungsi menjadi participle adjective. Kemudian have several berubah menjadi had karena bentuk kalimat lampau.
5. The people seated in the open stands were drenched during the heavy rain.
Answer: Kalimat ini, correct. The people berperan sebagai subyek, kemudian seated sebagai past participle adjective, in the open stands ini merupakan object of preposition, lalu were drenched adalah verbnya.
6. A doctor attended to the player were injured during the match between Italy and Germany
Answer: Kalimat ini, correct sebab kalimat ini lengkap karena a doctor merupakan subyek, attended = past participle berbentuk adjecive, to the player adalah obyek, dan were injured adalah verbnya.
Advanced English Grammar for TOEFL Preparation, Usage, and Mechanics, Level 6 Builder Level 5, Volume 5
Oleh Adibah Amin, Rosemary Eravelly, Farida J
thanks for ur information
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